Tagged: worldwarz

Video sketching

Philaglasgowia from CrenellatedArts on Vimeo.

Sketching the filming of World War Z

I was out yesterday and was sharing my fascination with the changing streetscape with literally hundreds of people. The video shows a few things I sketched, for which I used my new Gorillapod, such a fun invention.

Doing this has made me think about just how much we overlook the ordinary. I suppose if you were from Philadelphia you wouldn’t necessarily think it was amusing or interesting to see yellow street lights and big cars, but set around Glasgow it just seems quite unreal. When I walked through the station I thought “if I was on holiday I would probably draw the station”. Actually, I have sat and drawn Queen Street station before, but that’s beside the point! The gaelic signage and lovely curved roof may seem unusual and interesting, yet thousands of people will go through a railway station every day and not give it a second glance. Drawing and sketching connect you with the world around you. They turn the ordinary into the extra-ordinary, ordinary with a little bit of sparkle.

Philadelphia street map on the Glasgow Merchant City map

Philaglasgowia in the rain

Much rain but much fun in the rain today, stood for around 20 minutes balancing my sketchbook and watercolours whilst trying to keep mostly dry. There are large queues of American cars and the USA today news stands are great! I took quite a few photos and made some quick sketches. The Philaglasgowia maps are great. More pics on Flickr for your viewing!


stack of American lights as part of film set

Welcome to Philaglasgowia

Today I had much amusement and entertainment watching the transformation of Glasgow’s George Square towards the streets of Philadelphia.. all in aid of the filming of “world war z” a film starring none other than Brad Pitt. Have to say I didn’t see said star, but I did enjoy watching the streets transform, and peoples reaction to seeing the American cars and signs. I’m rather liking the yellow traffic lights. The other thing I liked was that people were sharing my amusement and just enjoying this well loved public space. I think I would like to try doing some drawing of this tomorrow. Lots of photos taken today (see my Flickr set for details).

stack of American lights as part of film set
